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Sodistra is asked for intervene on the Autodesk Forum.

On October 19, in Paris, Erwan Coatanéa (Sodistra's CEO) will intervene during the Autodesk forum for our solution : SODISTRA 4.0, from customer's need to 100% custom made solution.


We developed our own configurator allowing our customers to express their needs easily and quickly to our team. This one will be linked to the machining process to free up100% of our team time in order to focus on what is not automated : the real custom made.
Digitalization permits to anticipate hazards and any anticipated hazard it is not a hazard for a long time !

The Autodesk forum
You design, you build and you manufacture: in short, you create!
The Autodesk Forum is above all, a state of mind, embodied in « The Future Of Making Things ». This first French Edition, will bring together professionals from the construction industry, the manufacturing industry and the media & entertainment industry. For that, we adopt an inspiring and value provider approach to explore how technology is changing our way to create and work.
