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France has everything to succeed and Sodistra too!

France has everything to succeed and Sodistra too! Spotlight on Sodistra from 20 to 24 November. BFM business launches the "Fabulous French Fab *" a radio and TV device to give an acceleration boost to the device of industrialists in motion. Sodistra Active member of the French Fab, is interviewed next week on five themes. Our answers will be broadcast at a rate of 1 per day in 1 min 30 all week at 5.58 pm and 7.58 pm. See you on November 20th on BFM Business ..

The FrenchFab is ...

 "More than 235,000 French companies, 2 million 700,000 jobs, 870 billion euros of turnover but also 10% of our GDP!" She answers the crucial challenge of growth and job creation and reveals the wealth of territories and the incredible potential of young French talents. " explains Patrice Begay, Executive Director and Communication of Bpifrance.
